Merit Badge Counselor

Volunteering to be a Merit Badge Counselor is one way ANY parent can help in the troop. We are always in need of parents to help in this area. Here are the steps to become a merit badge counselor and information about your responsibilities after becoming a Merit Badge Counselor

Steps to Become A Merit Badge Counselor

Merit Badge Counselors - Facts to Know

    • A merit badge counselor can counsel any Scout, including his own son—although this is discouraged in order to offer a Scout the chance to meet a diverse group of outstanding adults.

    • A counselor may be certified in unlimited merit badge subjects, but he or she must be approved for each one.

    • There is no limit on the number of merit badges that a counselor may counsel with one Scout. However, the Scout will benefit the most from working with a variety of outstanding adults.

    • A merit badge counselor may limit his or her services to a specific Boy Scout Troop but the counselor must be approved by the councils advancement committee.

    • Scoutmasters and assistant Scoutmasters are not automatically merit badge counselors.

    • Group instruction is acceptable, but each Scout must be tested on and pass the Merit Badge review individually.

    • There is no time limit to complete an individual merit badge, but all work must be completed before the Scout's 18th birthday.

Merit Badge Counselor - Responsibilities

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